ALL Hand to Heart Accessories are 15 % off from December 15-31, 2019
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The MindBody Software System is experiencing a system wide outage. As the system is integrated with our website, some of the features are currently not working. Here is our class schedule; if you are planning on coming to the studio tonight and the system is still down, please arrive for class. The teacher will register you manually. Thank you.
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Ethereal Mudras for Spiritual Unfolding with Sylvie - Friday, January 12th, 2018, 6 pm - 9 pm

Ethereal Mudras for Spiritual Unfolding with Sylvie - Friday, January 12th, 2018, 6 pm - 9 pm

Join us January 12th for the second segment of a three-part study. We will introduce over 12 new Mudras and will also learn Sakalya Mudra flows that can have a profound effect for a heightened experience in our personal practice..In addition to learning new Mudras, we will learn about our subtle energy layers (Koshas), channels (Nadis) and centres (Chakras), exploring how Mudras can work with these energies and how they can help to stimulate specific energy pathways which can assist in providing...
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12 Mountainview Road South Unit A Georgetown ON

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